
This is a request to repair the shoulder joint of Alien Baltan, a movable figure made by Medicom Toy.
My left shoulder is hanging loose as if it has been dislocated.
Also, there is some peeling paint on the fabric around the joints, so we will add some color to make it less noticeable.
First, peel off the skin and check the internal condition.
This time, the side shaft was broken above the shoulder joint↓

It's hard to understand, but the axis has been rebuilt to be closer to the original structure↓

The repair of the joint is completed by fixing it with bolts (metal pins) ↓

The work will be completed by touching up any peeling paint on the fabric.

Movable figures made by Medicom Toy are said to have a short lifespan, but in some cases they can be repaired in this way.
~Please feel free to contact us for repairs of figures and plastic models~